понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

Zero conditional (11й клас)

1.     Complete this text using the correct form of the verbs below.

have   make   turn   feel   increase   tend   do   be   work

         Children  do  homework  better  when  listening  to  music

     Children learn better if they (1) _______ music playing in the background. If students (2) _______ relaxed and happy, they (3) _______ to learn better. It has been found that when children (4) _______ in silence with few breaks for relaxation, they actually (5) _______ worse than those children who have music playing quietly in the background. If, however, the music (6) _______ too loud, children may fail to take in what they are reading; so if you want them to concentrate better, (7) _______ sure the music is playing softly. If the music is classical, the children’s concentration (8) _______ . So, if what these experts say (9) _______ out to be true, homework will never be the same again!

2.     Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

a)     Doing a lot of exercise makes you lose weight. (do)
If __________________ exercise, you lose weight.
b)    Ice melts if it isn’t in the fridge. (keep)
If __________________ in the fridge, it melts.

c)     People always feel tired when they go to bed late. (don’t)
If people go to bed early, they ______________.

d)    Feeling ill usually makes me go to bed. (feel)
If ________________, I usually go to bed.

e)     Don’t boil vegetables for too long because they lose their taste. (boil)
If __________________________, they become tasteless.

f)      Having music in the background while you work is relaxing. (listen)
If _____________________ while you work, you feel relaxed.

g)     Water turns into ice when it freezes. (freeze)
If ______________, you get ice.

h)     When students do well in their tests, their teacher is pleased. (badly)
If _______________________, their teacher is angry.          

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