понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

"Sports in English Schools" (6 клас)

Пред'явлення тексту для аудіювання

1)      Pre-Listening Activities. Етап підготовки до аудіювання тексту.
Problem solving.
Dо you like PT lessons at your school?
Where do you have your PT lessons?
Are team games important in your school?
2) While-Listening Activities. Етап власне слухання тeксту та виконання вправ під час слухання.
а) Т: Listen to identify the main ideas of the text.
   What do you want to know about sports in English schools?
   Write three main questions and try to find the answers while listening.


            English schoolchildren have two types of physical training lessons: gym (= gymnastics) lessons and games, especially team games. At the lessons they run and jump, they do exercises on the horse; they play volley-ball or basket-ball.
            Team games are very important in English schools. Boys play football and rugby in the winter, and cricket and tennis in the summer. Girls play grass hockey in the coldest months of the year and tennis, volley-ball and basket-ball in the summer.
            Every team has а game's captain, that is а pupil who the pupils themselves have chosen to help the teacher to get out and put away the games equipment, and tо organize the teams of his or her form.
            Football is the most popular game in England because England is the home of football. English boys play football at school and in the parks.
                        b) Т: Listen tо the text again and identify specific information in it.
                            Say if the sentences are true of false.
                                                           True or False

·        English schoolchildren have two types of PT lessons.
·        Team games aren't important in English schools.
·        Boys play football or rugby in summer.
·        Girls play grass hockey in the coldest month of the year.
·        England is the home of football.
3) Post-Listening Activities. Етап перевірки розуміння прослуханого тексту.
                         а) Т: Answer the questions

·        What kind of PT lessons do English schoolchildren have?
·        What do they do at the PT lessons?
·        Are team games very important in English schools?
·        What do English boys play in winter and in summer?
·        When do English girls play grass hockey, tennis, volley-ball and basket-ball?
·        Who is the game's captain?
·        Is England the home of football?

                        б) Situation.

-         You have got а guest from England. Ask him/her about sports in English schools.
-         Answer the questions of your guest about sports in your school, using ех. 29, р. 95,

While-Listening Activities.
                        Say if the sentences are true of false.
                                                           True or False

·        English schoolchildren have two types of PT lessons.
·        Team games aren't important in English schools.
·        Boys play football or rugby in summer.
·        Girls play grass hockey in the coldest month of the year.
·        England is the home of football.

While-Listening Activities.
                        Say if the sentences are true of false.
                                                           True or False

·        English schoolchildren have two types of PT lessons.
·        Team games aren't important in English schools.
·        Boys play football or rugby in summer.
·        Girls play grass hockey in the coldest month of the year.
·        England is the home of football.

While-Listening Activities.
                        Say if the sentences are true of false.
                                                           True or False

·        English schoolchildren have two types of PT lessons.
·        Team games aren't important in English schools.
·        Boys play football or rugby in summer.
·        Girls play grass hockey in the coldest month of the year.
·        England is the home of football. 

Post-Listening Activities.      
                        а) Answer the questions
·        What kind of PT lessons do English schoolchildren have?
·        What do they do at the PT lessons?
·        Are team games very important in English schools?
·        What do English boys play in winter and in summer?
·        When do English girls play grass hockey, tennis, volley-ball and basket-ball?
·        Who is the game's captain?
·        Is England the home of football?

                        b) Situation.
-         You have got а guest from England. Ask him/her about sports in English schools.
-         Answer the questions of your guest about sports in your school, using ех. 29, р. 95,

            Post-Listening Activities.
                        а) Answer the questions
·        What kind of PT lessons do English schoolchildren have?
·        What do they do at the PT lessons?
·        Are team games very important in English schools?
·        What do English boys play in winter and in summer?
·        When do English girls play grass hockey, tennis, volley-ball and basket-ball?
·        Who is the game's captain?
·        Is England the home of football?

                        b) Situation.
-         You have got а guest from England. Ask him/her about sports in English schools.
-         Answer the questions of your guest about sports in your school, using ех. 29, р. 95,

            Post-Listening Activities.
                         а) Answer the questions
·        What kind of PT lessons do English schoolchildren have?
·        What do they do at the PT lessons?
·        Are team games very important in English schools?
·        What do English boys play in winter and in summer?
·        When do English girls play grass hockey, tennis, volley-ball and basket-ball?
·        Who is the game's captain?
·        Is England the home of football?

                        b) Situation.
-         You have got а guest from England. Ask him/her about sports in English schools.
-         Answer the questions of your guest about sports in your school, using ех. 29, р. 95,

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