понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

Listening 6 class first day at school

T: Listen to the text for the first time and do the tasks in the handouts.


     Polly is six and she has to go to school. She likes her first day very much. Miss Yates is very nice and the other children in her class are nice, too. But at the end of the school day when the other children leave the classroom, Polly stays behind and waits.
     Miss Yates has some work to do and she doesn't see Polly at first, but when she looks up, she sees Polly and asks, “Why didn't you go with the others, Polly? Do you want to ask me a question?”
    “Yes, Miss Yates”, Polly says.
    “What is it?” Miss Yates asks.
    “What did I do at school today?” Polly asks.
     Miss Yates smiles.
    “What did you do at school today?” she says. “Why do you ask me, Polly?”
     “Because I'm going home now”, Polly answers, “and I have to answer my Mum's ques­tion”.

Завдання 1.

Key: 1F; 2T; 3F; 4F.

Завдання 2.

Key: 1a; 2b; 3d; 4c.

Завдання 1. Say if the statements are true or false.

1. Polly doesn't like her first day at school.
2. The teacher is very nice.
3. Other children in Polly's class are not nice.
4. Polly stays in, the classroom after the lessons on the second day.

Завдання 2. Choose the correct letter and make the sentences true  to the text.

1. Polly goes to school when she is ....
    a) six                                         c) seven
    b) eight                                     d) nine

2. Miss ... is very nice.
    a) Smith                                    c) Gates
    b) Yates                                    d) McDonald

3. Polly ... .
    a) stays behind and waves        c) stays behind and cries
    b) stays behind and smiles       d) stays behind and waits

4. Miss Yates ... when she hears Polly's question.
    a) shuts the door                       c) smiles
    b) falls down                            d) leaves the classroom

Завдання 3. Answer the questions.

1. Why does Polly like her school?

2. What does she do when the other children go home?

3. What does Miss Yates say when she sees Polly?

4. What question does Polly ask Miss Yates?

5. What does Miss Yates ask then?

6. What is Polly's answer?

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