понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

Відкритий урок.

Theme: Home reading. Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”

  • to have practice in reading and getting general understanding (skimming);
  • to develop abilities of full and detailed understanding of the text (scanning);
  • to have practice in listening with the aim to understand the information which is contained in the listening text;
  • to prepare the students for giving their own opinions based on the contents of the reading
      and listening texts;
  • to encourage the students to read works of English writers.

Equipment: Reading text “Charles Dickens” (HO1); cards True/False (HO2); cards Matching (HO3); text for listening (HO4); pictures for putting events in the right order (HO5); the part of the film “A Christmas Carol”; CD player; CD.

Additional Sources: Liz & John Soars Headway elementary student’s book, Oxford University press, 1998; Liz Kilbey & Carol Skinner Friends 3 Student’s book, Pearson Education Limited, 2012.

Тема: Урок позакласного читання. Чарльз Діккенс Різдвяна історія.

  • практикувати учнів у читанні автентичного тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та з метою максимально повного й точного розуміння інформації, що міститься у тексті;
  • практикувати учнів в аудіюванні з метою максимально повного й точного розуміння інформації, що міститься у тексті;
  • підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання на основі змісту прочитаного та прослуханого текстів;
  • заохочувати учнів читати твори англійських письменників.

Обладнання: текст для читання “Charles Dickens” (HO1); картки True/False (HO2); картки Matching (HO3); текст для аудіювання (HO4); порядок малюнків (HO5); частина фільму “A Christmas Carol”; CD player; CD.

Додаткова література: Liz & John Soars Headway elementary student’s book, Oxford University press, 1998; Liz Kilbey & Carol Skinner Friends 3 Student’s book, Pearson Education Limited, 2012.

The course of the lesson

I. Greeting. The announcement of the topic of the lesson.

T: The topic of our lesson is Charles Dickens, one of the greatest English writers and his work “A Christmas Carol”.
By the end of the lesson you should be able to identify details from the text for reading, to listen and understand the gist and details of the text despite the natural difficulties.

II. Warm up

T: Read the following statement about reading and say if you agree or disagree with it. (on the board)

The more you read, the more you learn
The more you learn, the more you understand what you read
The more you understand what you read, the more you like reading
The more you like reading, the more you read

Do you like reading? What kind of books do you know?
(Writing on the board – one by one: novels, romance, adventure, humorous, detective stories, fantasy, sci-fi)
What books do you like?
What’s your favourite book? Who’s your favourite writer?

III. The main part of the lesson

1. Reading. Text “Charles Dickens” (HO 1) Headway

1)      Pre-reading activities
a) T:  Have you ever read “A Christmas Carol”? Have you seen the film?
          What do you know about the author of this book Charles Dickens?

b)      Vocabulary work. Try to guess the meaning of the words.


a person who writes novels – novelist
a place where people make, produce things – factory
a place where people go if they have problems with the police – law court
a person who works in a bank – clerk
when a lot of people like it, it’s – popular
not in our home country – abroad
when people take money but not forever, they have to return it – debt
we get it when we have already done it before – experience
when your business makes a lot of money, it’s – successful
a place where criminals go – prison
very bad – horrible

2)      Reading and comprehension

a)      Read and say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences. (HO 2)
·        Charles Dickens wrote novels. T
·        He wrote only about rich and famous people. F
·        His father had a good job. T
·        Charles never went to school. F
·        His first job was in a factory. T
·        He became a journalist when he was fifteen. F
·        He never married. F

b)      Answer the questions.

·        How old was Dickens when he died?
·        How many brothers and sisters did he have?
·        Was he good at school?
·        Why did he leave school when he was eleven?
·        Who was in prison?
·        What did Charles do in his first job?
·        What was his next job?
·        Was he happy at home?
·        When did he stop writing?

2. Reading and listening “A Christmas Carol”. (HO 3) Friends 3 p.50

1)      Pre-reading activities
Read the introduction

Charles Dickens wrote “A Christmas Carol” in 1843. The main character of the book is called Scrooge. Although he is rich, he is very unkind to everybody. He doesn’t like giving money to people and never smiles or laughs. Jacob Marley used to work with scrooge, but he dies before the story begins. Then one day, just before Christmas, Scrooge sees a ghost…


Answer the questions:

·        When did Ch. Dickens write “A Christmas Carol”?
·        Who’s the main character of the book?
·        What kind of person is he?
·        Who is Jacob Marley?
·        What happens one day?

2)      Reading, listening and comprehension. CD

Listen, read and answer the questions.

·        Did Scrooge know the ghost?
·        Who was the ghost?
·        Was it a friendly ghost?
·        What did it want to do?
·        How did it leave the room?
3)      Post-reading activities.

T: Match the sentences and make up a summary of this part. Work in pairs. (HO 4) cards

1. Scrooge was very rich and unkind to
2. Just before Christmas Scrooge sees
a ghost.
3. The ghost was
Jacob Marley.
4. He came to  tell about
three ghosts.

4) Listen to the next part and number the pictures. (HO 5)  Friends 3 p.51 CD
      p. 51, exercise 3.

5) Listen again and finish the sentences.

     p. 51, exercise 4

6) Speaking.

T: Look at the picture. How do you think the story ends?

     p. 51, exercise 4

           Watch the part of the film “A Christmas Carol”. Video  

IV. The final part of the lesson.

       T: Do you think this story has a happy end or not? Why?
            Do you want to read it in full?
           What’s the best moral for the story? (on the back side of the board)

Moral: To feel happy it’s very important:
a)      to have a lot of money;
b)      to remember about yourself;
c)      to be kind to other people.

Homework: write the end of the story, use your ideas from exercise 5 and the part of the film

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