понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

CANADA (9й клас)

         Canada is a vast country, bigger than the United States, bigger than the continent of Australia. It is in fact one of the word’s largest countries. The total area is 9,976,000 sq km.
         The word Canada comes from one of the Red Indian languages – “kannata”, meaning “a number of huts”.
         Canada is often called the “Land of the Maple Leaf”. The maple leaf is the national emblem of Canada.
         The story of Canada goes back over 400 years. The French were the first settlers in this country. As far back as 15th century French explorers crossed the Atlantic, and sailed up the east coast of Canada. In the 17th century several expeditions from France were sent out to explore the new country. Colonists built several large colonies. The history of the country during this period is the history of daring explorations, wars with the Indians and the British colonies in the South. In 1759 France lost Canada. Canada became a British Colony.
         Later Canada was given its independence, but it remained part of the British Empire.
         Today Canada is an independent federate state, consisting of 10 provinces and two territories. The capital of the country is Ottawa. The largest cities are Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver.
         Canada is a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain.
         Canada’s beginnings were French, and French is the language spoken today by about one-fifth of its people. Many settlers came to Canada from England, Scotland and Ireland, so today about two-third of the people of Canada speak only English.
         Canada today has two national languages, English and French.
         More than one million of Canadians are ethnic Ukrainians.  

Post-Reading Activities

a)     Answer the questions:
What does the word Canada come from?
What is the national emblem of Canada?
Is Canada a vast country?
When did Canada become a British Colony?
What kind of state is Canada now?
How many ethnic Ukrainians live in Canada?
b)    Say what information you have received:
about  the geographical position of Canada
about the name of the country
about its history
about its largest cities
about the people
about languages

Pre-Reading Activities
a)     Problem solving:
What do you think?
Do you know which country is often called the “Land of the Maple Leaf”?
What is this country famous for?
b)    Read and pronounce correctly:
Ottawa [‘otewe ]
Montreal [ montri’o:l ]
Quebec [ kwi’bek ]
Toronto [ te’rontou ]
Vancouver [ væn’ku:ve ]

While-Reading Activities
Read the text and write down the key-facts about Canada:
Name: Canada
Total area: 9,976,000 sq km
Capital: Ottawa
Largest cities: Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver
Languages: English and French
National emblem:  The Maple Leaf

Post-Reading Activities

a)     Answer the questions:
What does the word Canada come from?
What is the national emblem of Canada?
Is Canada a vast country?
When did Canada become a British Colony?
What kind of state is Canada now?
How many ethnic Ukrainians live in Canada?
b)    Say what information you have received:
about  the geographical position of Canada
about the name of the country
about its history
about its largest cities
about the people
about languages

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