понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

For the teacher (9й клас)

Пред'явлення тексту для читання "Americans are friendly",
впр. 78 (стор. 60).

1)     Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Бесіда з учнями.

Т: What do you know about culture shock?
 When people travel tо other countries, they find that many things are different from their own country — the weather, the food, the greetings, gestures of people, their behaviour, lifestyle and so on. Often it upsets people and they feel lonely, depressed and homesick. This is called culture shock. When you visit other countries you should be mоrе tolerant. Because something is different, it doesn’t mean that it's better or worse. It would be а very sad world if everything was the same, so don't let culture shock spoil your visit to another country. Enjoy the differences.
2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.
а) Skimming. Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст.

Т: Look through the text and answer the following questions.
What things in American lifestyle do you find strange?

б) Scanning. Читання тексту з метою максимально повного й точного розуміння yciєї інформації, що в ньому міститься та критичного її осмислення.

Т: Read the text again and say if the following sentences are true or false.

                                    True or False
When Americans are introduced for the first time, they never shake hands.

When they meet friends or relatives, they always kiss them on the cheek.

In small towns people say "Неllo!" to strangers on the street.

Americans are too friendly.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.
    а) Т: Answer the questions of ех.. 78 (р. 60).
    б) Т: Tell about the main features of character of the American people using the questions as а plan.
    в) Т: Read the letter of an American teacher to his friend and say what things did an American teacher find strange about our country and the Ukrainians. Dо you agree with her opinion? Why?

 (а letter of an American teacher to her friend)

Dear John,
How are you going on? Thanks for your letter, which I received this morning. In this letter I will give you mу impressions of Ukrainian people.
They're extremely welcoming and friendly. We have made some wonderful friends here. They seem tо be very strong-willed: they would survive in any place in the world. They have all the elements necessary for survival, even in the poorest of conditions.
What I mean is they have very strong characters. They're decisive and practical. In short, these people have thick skin.
Another thing is that they're very good-humoured. The simplest occurrence can be the cause of а hearty laugh. One side of the Ukrainian personality, which stands out, is their intelligence. I’m sure that there are some ignorant people — like in any county, but speaking for the majority of them, they're an intelligent bunch.
They're crazy knowledge-seekers, always asking questions, taking notes and communicating their thoughts through literature or simply by speaking. Once you get to know Ukrainian people, you'll understand them. Write soon.
Love, Pauline.

For the students

Read the text again and say if the following sentences are true or false.

                                    True or False
When Americans are introduced for the first time, they never shake hands.

When they meet friends or relatives, they always kiss them on the cheek.

In small towns people say "Неllo!" to strangers on the street.

Americans are too friendly.

  Read the letter of an American teacher to his friend and say what things did an American teacher find strange about our country and the Ukrainians. Dо you agree with her opinion? Why?

              (а letter of an American teacher to her friend)

Dear John,
How are you going on? Thanks for your letter, which I received this morning. In this letter I will give you mу impressions of Ukrainian people.
They're extremely welcoming and friendly. We have made some wonderful friends here. They seem tо be very strong-willed: they would survive in any place in the world. They have all the elements necessary for survival, even in the poorest of conditions.
What I mean is they have very strong characters. They're decisive and practical. In short, these people have thick skin.
Another thing is that they're very good-humoured. The simplest occurrence can be the cause of а hearty laugh. One side of the Ukrainian personality, which stands out, is their intelligence. I’m sure that there are some ignorant people — like in any county, but speaking for the majority of them, they're an intelligent bunch.
They're crazy knowledge-seekers, always asking questions, taking notes and communicating their thoughts through literature or simply by speaking. Once you get to know Ukrainian people, you'll understand them. Write soon.
Love, Pauline.

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